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SitCom stands for Situational Comedy where characters remain the same in different weird and funny situations and it is one of the reasons that these light hearted shows are just loved by mostly everyone.
Because every single person loves to watch their favorite characters in a situation viewers can just imagine. So here we bring you some of the best SitComs that you just need to watch:

1. F.R.I.E.N.D.S

That's an obvious one right but it literally is like a crime not watching friends if you are a great fan of sitcoms. I mean that's the basic you need to start with. Well those who are not much aware of friends, Friends revolves around mainly 6 characters who are really great friends and face the battles of life with each other. They enjoy every situation they get stuck into in their own weird way. Chandler being the most sarcastic one (My fav), Rachel spoiled daughter of a rich dad, Ross the nerd one always talking about fossils and dinosaurs, Monica the most disciplined one who loves to cook for her friends, Joey the stupid one who is a struggling actor and a fan of sandwiches and pizzas and lastly Phoebe the weird one literally the most weird of them all who thinks of her as a great singer.

2. How I Met Your Mother

After friends ended this sitcom filled the void perfectly. This sitcom starts with a father telling his children how he met their mother and telling them all about his bachelor life. This sitcom revolves around 5 friends : Ted who is an architect and finding the perfect girl for him, Robin that perfect Canadian girl who is a news channel anchor, Barney the person who has mastered the trick to get unlimited dates and is obsessed with suits, Marshall who is an aspiring lawyer and so in love with Lily who is an aspiring painter and teaches kindergarten students. These five friends make the perfect bachelor life anyone could imagine.

3. The Office

Here I am talking about the US adaptation of  The Office. If you would like to peek into the life of a typical corporate company having a crazy boss like Michael Scott than this is the one sitcom you would really want to watch. This sitcom presented in the form of a documentary revolves around the employees of a paper selling company Dunder Mifflin. It is a sitcom where it would be accurate to say that Never Judge a Book by it's cover because it's first season was a fail but Oh! My God it really picked up the heat from the second season.

4. The Big Band Theory

Ever imagined how will it feel to be surrounded with Nerds, well if you would like to have a peep at their life than it's a great show which mainly revolves around  5 friends out of which 4 are nerds, just imagine how hard would it be for the fifth one to tolerate them all anyways it is sitcom revolving around Leonard who is a nerd but actually he is pretty normal like us then comes Sheldon the godfather of all nerds who behaves nerdy for every single thing from his profession to taking a dump literally everything, then comes Penny a beautiful girl who is not a nerd instead pretty stupid and immature just like normal college students and then Raj an Indian nerd who cannot talk in front of girls until and unless he is drunk and finally Howard who is the most stupid nerd and most importantly really really creepy in front of girls. So imagine the blast it would do having all of them under one frame.

5. Brooklyn Nine Nine

Can you even imagine the lives of detectives being funny well even I can't. We always imagined it too be pretty cool and serious but this sitcom may change your opinion. This sitcom revolves around the detectives of the 99th precinct situated in Brooklyn. Here crimes are solved with the help of sharp brains accompanied with crazy humorous situations and some badass action and this sitcom do not fails to show the personal lives of detectives which is so darn funny and it has some pretty cool lines. So if you want a light hearted show involving mysteries than this sitcom is worth the time.


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